
The Red Women Rising Project has compiled these tools in order to provider survivors some resources that will enhance their self-sufficiency in making decisions that will benefit their health and safety when in an unsafe situation.

The Safety Plan helps survivors create a strategy that can be very useful when choosing to escape a violent environment. The tool looks at plans involving safety of the survivor and children, legal procedure to consider, as well as saving and preparing important documents.

This Warning Signs tool provides individuals with information, looking particularly at the behavior and patterns, or "red flags," of a potentially abusive partner.

The Native American Women’s Health Education Resource Center‘s book “What To Do When You’re Raped” is an illustrated guide created to answer the questions young Native women face following a sexual assault, from thinking through buying emergency contraception, to getting tested for STDS, to who to turn to for support. You can download this resource for free, and it is also linked on our website.

The American Indian/Alaska Native Women’s Health Safety Card aims to help women recognize healthy and unhealthy relationship dynamics and identify how their relationship may impact their health, as well as their children. This card may be given to patients routinely following a provider’s DV/SA screen; distributed at health fairs or community outreach events; and is also effective when stocked in private areas like bathrooms and exam rooms. This 4-panel double sided tool folds up to the size of a business card.

The American Indian/Alaska Native Women’s Health Safety Card aims to help women recognize healthy and unhealthy relationship dynamics and identify how their relationship may impact their health, as well as their children. This card may be given to patients routinely following a provider’s DV/SA screen; distributed at health fairs or community outreach events; and is also effective when stocked in private areas like bathrooms and exam rooms. This 4-panel double sided tool folds up to the size of a business card.

Safety Exit